The 50 papers which experimentally study the biological roles of both TFs of the PCTFP (Rap1-Gcr1)
Uemura H, et al. (1997) The role of Gcr1p in the transcriptional activation of glycolytic genes in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genetics 147(2):521-32
Zhou Q, et al. (2014) Mechanistic Study on the Nuclear Modifier Gene MSS1 Mutation Suppressing Neomycin Sensitivity of the Mitochondrial 15S rRNA C1477G Mutation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. PLoS One 9(3):e90336
Chen G, et al. (2007) Clustering of genes into regulons using integrated modeling-COGRIM. Genome Biol 8(1):R4
Song M, et al. (2009) Discrete dynamical system modelling for gene regulatory networks of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural tolerance for ethanologenic yeast. IET Syst Biol 3(3):203
Breslow DK, et al. (2008) A comprehensive strategy enabling high-resolution functional analysis of the yeast genome. Nat Methods 5(8):711-8
Tornow J, et al. (1993) GCR1, a transcriptional activator in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, complexes with RAP1 and can function without its DNA binding domain. EMBO J 12(6):2431-7
Yu T and Li KC (2005) Inference of transcriptional regulatory network by two-stage constrained space factor analysis. Bioinformatics 21(21):4033-8
Venters BJ, et al. (2011) A comprehensive genomic binding map of gene and chromatin regulatory proteins in Saccharomyces. Mol Cell 41(4):480-92
Shah AN, et al. (2011) Deletion of a subgroup of ribosome-related genes minimizes hypoxia-induced changes and confers hypoxia tolerance. Physiol Genomics 43(14):855-72
Liesen T, et al. (1996) ERA, a novel cis-acting element required for autoregulation and ethanol repression of PDC1 transcription in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mol Microbiol 21(3):621-32
Zeng X, et al. (1997) Specialized Rap1p/Gcr1p transcriptional activation through Gcr1p DNA contacts requires Gcr2p, as does hyperphosphorylation of Gcr1p. Genetics 147(2):493-505
Henry YA, et al. (1994) The yeast protein Gcr1p binds to the PGK UAS and contributes to the activation of transcription of the PGK gene. Mol Gen Genet 245(4):506-11
Menon BB, et al. (2005) Reverse recruitment: the Nup84 nuclear pore subcomplex mediates Rap1/Gcr1/Gcr2 transcriptional activation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 102(16):5749-54
Gordan R, et al. (2011) Curated collection of yeast transcription factor DNA binding specificity data reveals novel structural and gene regulatory insights. Genome Biol 12(12):R125
Stanway CA, et al. (1994) The yeast co-activator GAL11 positively influences transcription of the phosphoglycerate kinase gene, but only when RAP1 is bound to its upstream activation sequence. Mol Gen Genet 243(2):207-14
Kuroda S, et al. (1994) Fermentable and nonfermentable carbon sources sustain constitutive levels of expression of yeast triosephosphate dehydrogenase 3 gene from distinct promoter elements. J Biol Chem 269(8):6153-62
Ward LD and Bussemaker HJ (2008) Predicting functional transcription factor binding through alignment-free and affinity-based analysis of orthologous promoter sequences. Bioinformatics 24(13):i165-71
Huie MA, et al. (1992) Characterization of the DNA-binding activity of GCR1: in vivo evidence for two GCR1-binding sites in the upstream activating sequence of TPI of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mol Cell Biol 12(6):2690-700
Buck MJ and Lieb JD (2006) A chromatin-mediated mechanism for specification of conditional transcription factor targets. Nat Genet 38(12):1446-51
Deminoff SJ and Santangelo GM (2001) Rap1p requires Gcr1p and Gcr2p homodimers to activate ribosomal protein and glycolytic genes, respectively. Genetics 158(1):133-43
Bird AJ, et al. (2006) Repression of ADH1 and ADH3 during zinc deficiency by Zap1-induced intergenic RNA transcripts. EMBO J 25(24):5726-34
Joshi A, et al. (2010) Characterizing regulatory path motifs in integrated networks using perturbational data. Genome Biol 11(3):R32
Deminoff SJ, et al. (1995) Unigenic evolution: a novel genetic method localizes a putative leucine zipper that mediates dimerization of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae regulator Gcr1p. Genetics 141(4):1263-74
Scott EW, et al. (1990) Characterization of TPI gene expression in isogeneic wild-type and gcr1-deletion mutant strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Nucleic Acids Res 18(23):7099-107
Zhao Y, et al. (2008) Development of a Novel Oligonucleotide Array-Based Transcription Factor Assay Platform for Genome-Wide Active Transcription Factor Profiling in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J Proteome Res 7(3):1315-1325
Drazinic CM, et al. (1996) Activation mechanism of the multifunctional transcription factor repressor-activator protein 1 (Rap1p). Mol Cell Biol 16(6):3187-96
Dumitru I and McNeil JB (1994) A simple in vivo footprinting method to examine DNA-protein interactions over the yeast PYK UAS element. Nucleic Acids Res 22(8):1450-5
Baker HV (1991) GCR1 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes a DNA binding protein whose binding is abolished by mutations in the CTTCC sequence motif. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 88(21):9443-7
Jothi R, et al. (2009) Genomic analysis reveals a tight link between transcription factor dynamics and regulatory network architecture. Mol Syst Biol 5:294
Martinez MJ, et al. (2004) Genomic analysis of stationary-phase and exit in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: gene expression and identification of novel essential genes. Mol Biol Cell 15(12):5295-305
Geijer C, et al. (2012) Time course gene expression profiling of yeast spore germination reveals a network of transcription factors orchestrating the global response. BMC Genomics 13(1):554
Mogno I, et al. (2010) TATA is a modular component of synthetic promoters. Genome Res 20(10):1391-7
Yu H and Gerstein M (2006) Genomic analysis of the hierarchical structure of regulatory networks. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 103(40):14724-31
Jiao K, et al. (2002) Phylogenetic footprinting reveals multiple regulatory elements involved in control of the meiotic recombination gene, REC102. Yeast 19(2):99-114
Devlin C, et al. (1991) RAP1 is required for BAS1/BAS2- and GCN4-dependent transcription of the yeast HIS4 gene. Mol Cell Biol 11(7):3642-51
Kamei Y, et al. (2015) Transcription factor genes essential for cell proliferation and replicative lifespan in budding yeast. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 463(3):351-6
Mogno I, et al. (2013) Massively parallel synthetic promoter assays reveal the in vivo effects of binding site variants. Genome Res 23(11):1908-15
Uemura H and Jigami Y (1992) Role of GCR2 in transcriptional activation of yeast glycolytic genes. Mol Cell Biol 12(9):3834-42
Mizuno T, et al. (2004) Role of the N-terminal region of Rap1p in the transcriptional activation of glycolytic genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast 21(10):851-66
Garcia-Arranz M, et al. (1994) Transcriptional control of yeast plasma membrane H(+)-ATPase by glucose. Cloning and characterization of a new gene involved in this regulation. J Biol Chem 269(27):18076-82
Henry SA, et al. (2012) Metabolism and Regulation of Glycerolipids in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genetics 190(2):317-49
Babbitt GA (2010) Relaxed selection against accidental binding of transcription factors with conserved chromatin contexts. Gene 466(1-2):43-8
Lavoie H, et al. (2009) Rearrangements of the transcriptional regulatory networks of metabolic pathways in fungi. Curr Opin Microbiol 12(6):655-63
Santangelo GM (2006) Glucose signaling in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev 70(1):253-82
Lopez MC, et al. (1998) Multiple domains of repressor activator protein 1 contribute to facilitated binding of glycolysis regulatory protein 1. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 95(24):14112-7
Sasaki H, et al. (2005) Expression of GCR1, the transcriptional activator of glycolytic enzyme genes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is positively autoregulated by Gcr1p. Yeast 22(4):305-19
Scott EW and Baker HV (1993) Concerted action of the transcriptional activators REB1, RAP1, and GCR1 in the high-level expression of the glycolytic gene TPI. Mol Cell Biol 13(1):543-50
Morris RT, et al. (2010) Ceres: software for the integrated analysis of transcription factor binding sites and nucleosome positions in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Bioinformatics 26(2):168-74
Lu L, et al. (2003) Multimeric threading-based prediction of protein-protein interactions on a genomic scale: application to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae proteome. Genome Res 13(6A):1146-54
Willett CE, et al. (1993) A complex regulatory element from the yeast gene ENO2 modulates GCR1-dependent transcriptional activation. Mol Cell Biol 13(4):2623-33